Small, interactive, student-centered classes for every body. All are welcome. Drop in or monthly options available.

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Get it all: guidance, consistency and feedback from live classes plus access to the recordings & WxW’s curated on demand library.




Need more guidance or accountability?

Are you ready to start on a new movement path but aren’t quite sure where to start?

Newly pregnant? Have an injury?

Or is there something specific you need help working through?

My virtual one-on-one sessions are designed to empower you with knowledge & a specific understanding of your body & needs.

Schedule your free 15-minute consultation to learn more!

One private session to address a specific goal.

Get the tools to move better, feel better & live better.

Three private sessions: address a specific goal, and uncover new goals.

Take advantage of my expertise to learn what you didn’t know you didn’t know.

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Functional Movement




well-Being begins in your body.


“Amy Wolfe is one of the best body-related teachers that I’ve ever had the honor of learning from. From the very first class I took from her in person back in 2018 until now, she is one to be highly regarded and trusted. I still vividly remember my first class with her, one where she explained chair pose in a complete new way: succinctly and clearly. I was blown away, and felt so glad to have found her! Amy has impeccable cueing, informed by years of experience. She is clearly dedicated to her own learning and growth. Teaching on a virtual platform, she is the only teacher I've had who always speaks to the actual students in the room — there is not one second where I don’t feel held, even through a screen! I’ve had the pleasure of taking a couple of teacher training modules on Zoom with her as well in 2020, where she adeptly discusses the business of yoga, giving me some incredible advice that helped me succeed as a teacher myself. She has always extended her guidance to me as a teacher and as a forever student in my own right and has always responded with such kindness. Although I’m afraid teachers like Amy are so rare, my hope is that everyone can find an Amy Wolfe in their life — her dedication, knowledge and drive is admirable and so needed in today’s yoga world. Thank you for so many amazing classes and your support, Amy!”

-Alison, 32, Yoga Teacher

“Amy's online live classes have been my lifeline through this past year. Her classes are small, and Amy gives us a lot of individual attention. She knows our goals, interests, quirks, restrictions, and injuries day to day. She has formidable powers of observation: she can spot a slightly-off limb rotation from across a blurry Internet connection and quickly recommend adjustments. More important -- practicing with Amy has given me a consistent practice that provides huge benefits: I made more and deeper progress in my practice in just this past year than I had in the previous 7 years of sporadic, in-person, often large group practice. Amy's offerings are not just asana. Every week brings a mix of asana (very alignment-oriented), functional movement, HIIT, and Pilates for a well-rounded yet ultimately yoga-centered set of sessions. And of course, the best thing is Amy herself: caring, intelligent, knowledgeable, super-supportive, and creative. She's got her own style and approach. I can't wait to see what we do next.”

-Steve, 59, Software Engineer

“Amy is an inspirational instructor and is adept at tailoring her queues to each individual student's ability. This is a remarkable trait in any class setting. However, to perform this on the new video platforms is truly masterful. My practice has grown so much during the pandemic because of her dedication, diligence, and creativity. I feel like I have a new foundation on which to build my lifelong yoga practice.”

-Greg, 51, Interior Designer